Quick Note:
Your support of our newsletter with a paid subscription means more to us than you know.
Your subscription helps fund our flower farm and the horses, which in turn helps our programs for at-risk youth and veterans. We hope our programs will someday include not only horses but also flowers.
We appreciate you.
If you know someone who would appreciate our services or our content, please let them know. Every share helps our small family business thrive, and your word of mouth significantly influences our lives.
—Katie and Angela
On to our story.
We are one month into hurricane season.
Last month, Tropical Storm Alberto came to visit.
Me: “Hey, Katie, did we get any water?”
Katie: “It looks like a lake.”
Me: “Did the ducks come?”
Katie: “No ducks. (Insert frown emoji)”
We got seven inches of rain out at the ranch.
Our soil is clay, so too much water means we will have standing water for weeks.
In the past, ducks have come to swim in our “pool.”
While we love the ducks (they are really cute), once again, we will be delayed in planting flowers.
Our ongoing dilemma is that we need water so the grass can grow for the horses, but we also need the ground to be dry to till and plant flowers.
Achieving one goal complicates reaching the other, creating a challenging situation where we must balance both needs.
This week, we are learning the lesson of balance.