Quick Note:
Your support of our newsletter with a paid subscription means more to us than you know.
Your subscription helps fund our flower harm and the horses, which in turn helps our programs for at-risk youth and veterans. We hope our programs will someday include not only horses but also flowers.
We appreciate you.
If you know someone who would appreciate our services or our content, please let them know. Every share helps our small family business thrive, and your word of mouth significantly influences our lives.
—Katie and Angela
On to our story.
“Katie, we bought a lot of sunflower seeds in different colors.”
Katie: I know I did the order.
“Some are orange, some are almost red, and some are a light beige or peach.”
Katie: I know I did the order.
“I saw a workshop from our flower coach that said sometimes flowers with light petals have droopy heads. She said they have soft necks.”
Katie: I know I did the order. Wait, no, I didn’t know that. What are we supposed to do if we have bendy flowers?
“She said when she harvests the sunflowers, she leaves the last leaf at the top on the stem, which helps with hydration.”
“She also says she puts a splash of a hydration solution in the harvest bucket to help with hydration and a CVBN tablet to help prevent bacteria from growing.”
“The hydration solution is called Quick Dip. We need to get some of that stuff. A lot of it. We are planning on planting thousands of sunflowers.”
Katie: I know I did the order.
Anyway, the lesson I am learning is this: